The trails in Harbor Springs known most commonly as the “Meadows” is an extensive system that was primarily ‘rogue-built’ over the past 20 years or so by a myriad group of individuals on a mix of state and privately-owned land...almost all without landowner permission. With the closure of the “Meadows” Parking lot (on private property) a couple of years ago, TOMMBA realized how fragile this trail system is and began working to preserve and protect this amazing trail system. TOMMBA is currently working with Boyne Highlands Resort, Harbor Springs Public Schools, the Little Traverse Conservancy, and the Michigan DNR to legitimize these trails and protect them for the future. This trail system is a unique combination, crossing back-and-forth over public and private lands, and is interconnected with Boyne’s cross-country mountain bike trail system.

While many details are still being discussed, Boyne has granted us permission to use some of their cross-country trails as long as their liability waiver is signed. We are very hopeful of this partnership and ask that you please SIGN THE WAIVER now. It only takes a minute and will show that TOMMBA will minimize liability concerns as we continue to promote a formal trail network in this area.