Harbor Springs Trails Update
The trailhead known as the “Meadows” was closed by the property owners in late October, 2018 cutting off many mountain bikers from easily accessing the vast trail system in the Harbor Springs area. TOMMBA is working with the Michigan DNR and the other property owners (Harbor Springs Public Schools, Boyne Highlands, Little Traverse Conservancy) encompassing the Harbor Springs trails to protect and recognize this system.
Local riders may have seen signs posted by the DNR regarding upcoming logging operations. Some sections will be clear-cut and some will be select-cut. These operations are planned to begin within the next few months to 2 years. Some of the clear-cut forest management is required in the Red Pine stands due to a fungus called Heterobasidion Root Disease (HRD) and attempts to eradicate and/or minimize the spread. This DNR forestry management has been on their schedule prior to being aware of the existing trails but they are making efforts to minimize trail damage.
If you’re seeing a LOT of new flagging along some of the trails, TOMMBA volunteers have begun flagging the existing trail corridors in these stands in hopes of minimizing the logger’s impact. Flagging is completed on the trails along Big Foot Rd and we are working on the northern stands next, hoping to get it completed before hunting season begins.
Here is a link to the MI DNR GIS website: https://midnr.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=43579d040c7d4860b125e405f531d465 - zoom in to the Harbor Springs area and you can see more information. While the DNR site doesn’t yet show the existing trails, here are a couple of images with the trails added showing where logging will take place. Specifically in the stands numbered: 31, 32, 42, 27, 29, 35, 36, 38, 39:
Harbor Springs Trails - South sections near Warwick Rd

Harbor Springs Trails - North sections
Please know that TOMMBA continues to work to preserve and protect the trails in the Harbor Springs area ensuring we have great places and trails to ride!